
Meaning of Anjana

Anjana is a female name with Indian (Hindi) origin. It is pronounced as ahn-JAH-nah (/ɑn-ˈdʒɑ-nɑ/). The name Anjana has variations such as Anjani. In the United States of America, Anjana has been given to newborns since at least 1969. Its popularity peaked in 2013 when it ranked 4884th in occurrence, with 28 babies named Anjana that year. The name has remained relatively consistent in usage over the years, with an average of around 10 to 20 occurrences per year. The origins and associations of the name Anjana make it a unique and meaningful choice for parents looking for a culturally rich and distinctive name for their baby girl.


Indian (Hindi)

  • Pronunced as ahn-JAH-nah (/ɑn-ˈdʒɑ-nɑ/)

U.S. Popularity Chart

Notable People Named Anjana

Anjana Rao is an Indian cellular and molecular biologist based in the US, known for her research on intracellular signaling and gene expression using immune cells and other cell types.
Anjana Vasan is an award-winning Indian Singaporean actress and singer-songwriter known for her stage work and roles in popular TV shows like We Are Lady Parts and Black Mirror.
Anjana Seth is a renowned fashion designer from New Delhi, India, known for her designs for both men and women.
Anjana Ahuja is a British science journalist and former columnist for The Times, now a contributing writer at the Financial Times, known for her work in various publications and her expertise in science commentary.
Anjana Sultana is a retired Bangladeshi film actress who won the Bangladesh National Film Award for Best Actress for her role in the film Parineeta (1986).
Laura Hamilton
Curated byLaura Hamilton

Assistant Editor