
Meaning of Anjay

Anjay is a masculine name that has its origins in Sanskrit. The name Anjay means "unconquerable" or "victorious" and carries with it a sense of strength and resilience. Pronounced as AN-jay (/ænˈdʒeɪ/), this name has a pleasant, melodic sound. While there are no notable famous individuals associated with the name Anjay, its uniqueness and charm make it an appealing choice for parents looking for a name that stands out. In terms of popularity, Anjay has had varying levels of usage in the United States over the years. It ranked 10th in 2008, 11th in 2007, and 8th in 2006. In recent years, it has seen a slight decline but remains a rare and distinctive choice for parents seeking an uncommon yet meaningful name for their son. Variations of the name include Anjai.


  • Pronunced as AN-jay (/ænˈdʒeɪ/)

U.S. Popularity Chart

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