
#81 in DC

Meaning of Arielle

Arielle is a beautiful name of French origin for girls, pronounced as air-ee-EL in English and ah-ree-EL in French. It's an elegant and timeless choice that carries the connotation of being "lion of God". The variation Ariel also exists. According to recent data from the United States, Arielle has been steadily growing in popularity since the 1970s, with its highest rank being 183rd most popular name for newborn girls in 1991. Although it experienced a slight dip afterwards, Arielle has made a consistent comeback and remains within the top 500 names for girls today. With its appealing sound and positive meaning, Arielle might just be the perfect pick for your baby girl!



  • Pronunced as ah-ree-EL (/a.ʁi.ɛl/)


  • Pronunced as air-ee-EL (/ɑɪˈrɪl/)

U.S. Popularity Chart

States Popularity Chart

Notable People Named Arielle

Arielle Townsend Gold is an American Olympic medalist snowboarder.
Arielle Kebbel is an American actress and model known for her roles in various television series and films, including The Vampire Diaries, 90210, and Fifty Shades Freed.
Arielle Vandenberg - Arielle St. Cyr Vandenberg is an American actress, television host, and model.
Diana Brooks
Curated byDiana Brooks

Assistant Editor