
Meaning of Avalee

Avalee is a charming and feminine name for a baby girl. It has an American English pronunciation of AV-uh-lee (/ˈævəli/). The name Avalee has its origins in the United States. It is a variation of the name Avalie, which adds a unique touch to this already beautiful name. Avalee is not only aesthetically pleasing but also has historical significance as it has been given to newborn girls in the United States since at least 1911. Although the popularity of Avalee may have fluctuated over the years, it remains a delightful choice for parents seeking an elegant and distinctive name for their daughter.


American English

  • Pronunced as AV-uh-lee (/ˈævəli/)

U.S. Popularity Chart

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Susan Clarke
Curated bySusan Clarke

Assistant Editor