
Meaning of Avaline

Avaline is a charming and elegant name of French origin, often associated with grace and beauty. Pronounced as AV-uh-leen (/ævəˈli:n/), this name has seen a sporadic yet enduring presence in the United States over the years. Avaline shares its roots with the name Aveline, which also carries an aura of sophistication and timeless appeal. Though not among the most common names, Avaline has been steadily chosen by parents seeking a unique yet classic name for their daughters. Its usage peaked in recent years, notably reaching its highest rank of 3323 in 2016. The name's delicate sound and historical resonance make it an excellent choice for those looking to bestow a sense of elegance and tradition upon their child.


British English

  • Pronunced as AV-uh-leen (/ævəˈli:n/)

American English

  • Pronunced as AV-uh-leen (/ævəˈlin/)

U.S. Popularity Chart

Miranda Richardson
Curated byMiranda Richardson

Assistant Editor