
Meaning of Azmina

Azmina is a female name of Arabic origin. It is pronounced as az-MEE-nuh (/æzˈmiːnə/). The name Azmina has variations such as Azminah. In the United States, the name Azmina has been given to a small number of newborn girls in recent years. Although it is not a widely popular name, its uniqueness adds to its charm. With its Arabic roots, the name Azmina carries a sense of cultural richness and exoticism. It is a beautiful choice for parents looking for an uncommon and meaningful name for their daughter.


  • Pronunced as az-MEE-nuh (/æzˈmiːnə/)

U.S. Popularity Chart

Notable People Named Azmina

Azmina Dhrodia is a Canadian expert on gender, technology, and human rights, known for her work at the World Wide Web Foundation, Amnesty International, and Block Party.
Miriam Johnson
Curated byMiriam Johnson

Assistant Editor