
Meaning of Baptiste

Baptiste is a masculine name with origins in French. It is pronounced as "bahp-TEEST" (/ba.p.tist/) in the French language. The name has variations, such as Baptista. In terms of popularity, data for newborns in the United States shows that Baptiste has been given to a small number of babies over the years. Its usage has varied, with occasional peaks and dips. Despite not being among the most popular names, Baptiste carries a strong historical and cultural association due to its religious significance. As a derivative of the word "baptism," this name symbolizes purification and rebirth within Christian tradition.



  • Pronunced as bahp-TEEST (/ba.p.tist/)

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    Notable People Named Baptiste

    Baptiste Giabiconi is a French male model, singer, and muse of Karl Lagerfeld, known for his work with major fashion houses Chanel, Fendi, and Karl Lagerfeld.
    Baptiste Serin is a French rugby union player known for his position as a Scrum-half, playing for Toulon and the France national team.
    Baptiste Santamaria is a French professional footballer known for his role as a central midfielder at Ligue 1 club Rennes.
    Baptiste Guillaume is a Belgian professional footballer known for his role as a striker at the French club Guingamp.
    Baptiste Delaporte is a French rugby union flanker who currently plays for Castres Olympique.
    Laura Katherine Bennett
    Curated byLaura Katherine Bennett

    Assistant Editor