
Meaning of Blanchard

Blanchard is a masculine name with English origins. This name is pronounced as BLAN-chərd (/blænˈtʃɑːrd/) in English. Variations of this name include Blanch and Blanchet. In terms of popularity, the name Blanchard has had some occurrences in the United States over the years, but it has not been consistently popular. It ranked as low as 3867 in 1924 and as high as 892 in 1883. While it may not be a common choice for modern parents, Blanchard carries a sense of strength and uniqueness that may appeal to those seeking an uncommon yet distinctive name for their baby boy.



  • Pronunced as BLAN-chərd (/blænˈtʃɑːrd/)

U.S. Popularity Chart

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    Notable People Named Blanchard

    Susan Blanchard Ryan is an American actress known for her roles in Open Water, The Brooklyn Heist, and It's Complicated.
    Natalie Joan Bennett
    Curated byNatalie Joan Bennett

    Assistant Editor