
#49 in North Dakota

Meaning of Collins

The name Collins, primarily used for females, has seen a steady rise in popularity over the past few decades. Pronounced as KAH-linz (/ˈkɑlɪn(z)/), this name has its roots in Irish and Gaelic origins, where it was traditionally a surname meaning "holly." In recent years, Collins has transitioned into a charming first name for girls, embodying both strength and elegance. The name shares close ties with the variation Colin, though Collins carries a unique flair that sets it apart. Data from the United States reflects its growing appeal: from just 6 occurrences in 1982 to an impressive 1,269 occurrences in 2023, ranking at 237th place. This upward trend highlights Collins as an increasingly favored choice among modern parents seeking a name that's both classic and contemporary.



  • Pronunced as KAH-linz (/ˈkɑlɪn(z)/)

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    Notable People Named Collins

    Collins Bassett Allen was an American politician from New Jersey.
    Laura Katherine Bennett
    Curated byLaura Katherine Bennett

    Assistant Editor