Coyle is a male name with English origin. It is pronounced as KOIL (/kɔɪl/). The name Coyle does not have many variations, with "Coil" being the only known alternative spelling. In terms of popularity in the United States, Coyle has seen some fluctuations over the years. In recent data from 2017, there were 5 occurrences of the name, ranking at 12,237. However, in previous years such as 2013 and 2011, there were also 5 occurrences but with slightly higher rankings at 12,131 and 10,802 respectively. Overall, Coyle is a unique and distinct name that can make a memorable choice for your baby boy.
Coyle Girelli is an English recording artist, songwriter, and record producer known for his work with popular bands and solo projects, including writing songs for well-known artists like BTS and Macklemore. |