
Meaning of Deirdre

Deirdre is a female name with Irish Gaelic origins. It is pronounced as DEER-dreh in Irish Gaelic, DEER-druh in British English, and DEER-druh in American English. The name has variations such as Dierdre. Deirdre has been given to newborns in the United States since at least 1921, with its popularity fluctuating over the years. In recent times, it has ranked between 9004 and 1491 in terms of occurrence and popularity. Despite its variations in spelling and pronunciation, Deirdre remains a unique and beautiful choice for parents looking for an Irish-inspired name for their baby girl.


Irish Gaelic

  • Pronunced as DEER-dreh (/ˈdʲeːɾʲdʲɾʲe/)

British English

  • Pronunced as DEER-druh (/ˈdɪədrə/)

American English

  • Pronunced as DEER-druh (/ˈdɪrdrə/)

U.S. Popularity Chart

Notable People Named Deirdre

Deirdre is a retired Japanese Thoroughbred racehorse known for her international racing success, including winning the Nassau Stakes in the United Kingdom.
Deirdre Gogarty, a retired Irish female boxer and current coach of the Ragin' Cajun Boxing Club, made history in Ireland before moving to Louisiana to continue her career.
Deirdre Lovejoy is an American actress known for her roles in various television shows and films.
Deirdre Eberly Lashgari was an influential American English literature educator, editor, and translator known for her pioneering work in introducing Iranian poetry into the English literary curriculum.
Deirdre Quinn is an American businesswoman, co-founder, and CEO of Lafayette 148, a New York-based fashion house, as well as the recipient of the 2016 Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award.
Deirdre O'Connell is an accomplished American character actress known for her work on stage, screen, and television, with accolades including a Tony Award and multiple Drama Desk Award nominations.
Deirdre Wilson - Deirdre Susan Moir Wilson is a British linguist and cognitive scientist known for her influential work in linguistic pragmatics, particularly in the development of Relevance Theory with Dan Sperber.
Deirdre Cash, also known as Criena Rohan, was an Australian novelist and torch singer, best known for her first novel "The Delinquents," set in Brisbane.
Deirdre Wolhuter is a well-known South African actress recognized for her performances in Friend Request, Charlie Jade, and Kalahari Harry.
Deirdre Russell Murphy-Bader was a road cyclist who represented Ireland in international competitions, including the 2000 Olympic Games.
Julia Bancroft
Curated byJulia Bancroft

Assistant Editor