
Meaning of Delfino

Delfino is a male name with Italian origin. It is pronounced as del-FEE-noh (/dɛlˈfiːno/). The name Delfino has variations such as Delphinus. In terms of popularity in the United States, it has seen fluctuating occurrences over the years. In recent times, it has been given to around 8 to 13 newborns per year, ranking between 6000 and 9000 in terms of popularity. The name Delfino carries an association with dolphins, as it shares its root with the Italian word for dolphin. Dolphins are often associated with intelligence, playfulness, and grace, making Delfino a unique and meaningful choice for parents looking for a name that embodies these qualities.



  • Pronunced as del-FEE-noh (/dɛlˈfiːno/)

U.S. Popularity Chart

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    Notable People Named Delfino

    Delfino della Pergola was a Roman Catholic prelate who served as Bishop of Modena and Bishop of Parma during the 15th century.
    Susan Clarke
    Curated bySusan Clarke

    Assistant Editor