
Meaning of Hewitt

Originating from the English language, the name Hewitt is a masculine name with a unique and distinctive sound. It is pronounced as HYOO-it (/ˈhjuːɪt/). The name Hewitt has variations such as Hewet. In terms of popularity, the name Hewitt has been used steadily over the years in the United States. In recent years, it has ranked around the 5000-6000 mark in terms of occurrence. However, it's important to note that popularity can fluctuate and may vary depending on personal preferences and trends. Overall, the name Hewitt carries a strong and timeless charm that appeals to parents seeking a classic yet uncommon choice for their baby boy.



  • Pronunced as HYOO-it (/ˈhjuːɪt/)

U.S. Popularity Chart

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    Notable People Named Hewitt

    Hewitt Terrell Wheless was a decorated United States Air Force officer known for his heroism during World War II and his distinguished career in the military.
    Hewitt Crane - Hewitt D. Crane (1927–2008) was an American engineer known for his pioneering work at SRI International on ERMA, magnetic digital logic, neuristor logic, and the development of eye-movement tracking and pen-input devices for computers.
    Hewitt Leonidas Bouanchaud was a Democratic politician from Louisiana who served as a member of the Louisiana House of Representatives and as the lieutenant governor.
    Mariana Castillo Morales
    Curated byMariana Castillo Morales

    Assistant Editor