
Meaning of Ione

Originating from Greek mythology, the name Ione has a rich history and beautiful associations. It is a feminine name that is pronounced as eye-OHN (/aɪˈoʊn/). In terms of variations, Iona is also a possible spelling.

Although not extremely popular in recent years, Ione still holds a place in the hearts of parents looking for a unique and charming name for their baby girl. In the United States, it has consistently appeared on the naming charts, with its highest rank being 342 in the year 1920. The name has seen fluctuations in popularity over time, but it still remains an endearing choice.

Ione's origin can be traced back to Greek mythology, where she was one of the ocean nymphs known as Nereids. These nymphs were believed to be companions to Poseidon, the god of the sea. Ione was often depicted as gentle and graceful, embodying the beauty and tranquility of the ocean.

In addition to its mythological significance, Ione is also associated with positive qualities such as serenity and elegance. This makes it an appealing choice for parents who desire a name that exudes charm and sophistication.

Overall, Ione is a lovely name with deep roots in Greek mythology and associations that evoke a sense of grace and tranquility. With its timeless appeal and unique sound, it offers parents an enchanting option for their baby girl's name.



  • Pronunced as eye-OHN (/aɪˈoʊn/)

U.S. Popularity Chart

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Notable People Named Ione

Ione Bright was a prominent American theatre actress known for her work on Broadway and other stages from 1908 to the early 1950s.
Ione Skye Lee is a British-American actress known for her roles in River's Edge, Say Anything..., Gas Food Lodging, Wayne's World, and One Night Stand.
Ione Gladys Gedye was a pioneering conservator who founded the Repair Department at the Institute of Archaeology and had a significant influence on early archaeologically themed television programs.
Ione Virginia Hill Cowles was a prominent American clubwoman and social leader who served as the eighth international president of the General Federation of Women's Clubs (GFWC) from 1916 to 1920.
Maria Conti
Curated byMaria Conti

Assistant Editor