
Meaning of Janavi

Janavi is a feminine name with Indian origins. In Hindi, it is pronounced as juh-NAH-vee (/dʒʌˈnɑvi/). A variation of this name is Janvi. While not among the most popular names in the United States, Janavi has seen some usage in recent years. In 2019, there were 5 occurrences of the name, ranking at 15,518. The popularity of Janavi has fluctuated over the years, with 7 occurrences in 2014 and 5 occurrences in both 2013 and 2007. This unique and beautiful name carries cultural significance and can be a wonderful choice for parents looking for a distinct and meaningful name for their daughter.



  • Pronunced as juh-NAH-vee (/dʒʌˈnɑvi/)

U.S. Popularity Chart

Susan Clarke
Curated bySusan Clarke

Assistant Editor