
Meaning of Janaya

Janaya is a beautiful and unique name for baby girls. It has its origins in American culture and is derived from the combination of the names "Jane" and "Maya." The name Janaya carries a sense of elegance and sophistication. In terms of pronunciation, both American English and British English pronounce it as juh-NAY-uh (/dʒu.ˈneɪ.ə/). Variations of the name include Janae and Janai.

Looking at data from the United States, we can see that Janaya has gained popularity over the years. In recent times, it has been given to approximately 60-70 newborn girls each year, with its highest ranking being around 1800-2000 in the early 2010s. This indicates that while Janaya is not extremely common, it remains a recognizable choice for parents seeking a distinctive yet accessible name for their daughters.

Overall, Janaya is a lovely name that combines elements from different sources to create something truly special. Its association with grace and charm makes it an excellent choice for any little girl.



  • Pronunced as juh-NAY-uh (/dʒu.ˈneɪ.ə/)

U.S. Popularity Chart

States Popularity Chart

Notable People Named Janaya

Janaya Khan is a prominent social activist and co-founder of Black Lives Matter Toronto, known for their work in analyzing intersectional topics and serving as an international ambassador for the Black Lives Matter Network.
Diana Brooks
Curated byDiana Brooks

Assistant Editor