
Meaning of Jerrilynn

Jerrilynn is a feminine name with American English pronunciation. It is pronounced as jer-uh-lin (/dʒərəlɪn/). The name Jerrilynn has variations, including Jerrilyn. Jerrilynn has been given to baby girls in the United States, with 7 occurrences in 2015 and ranking at 12,997th place. The popularity of the name fluctuates over the years, but it has consistently been used since the early 1940s.

The origin of the name Jerrilynn is uncertain and may be a combination of different influences. It could be a modern variation of Geraldine, which is derived from the Germanic elements ger meaning "spear" and wald meaning "rule". Another possibility is that it is a combination of Jerry (a diminutive form of Gerald or Gerard) and Lynn (meaning "lake" or "waterfall"), resulting in a unique and modern-sounding name.

Associations with the name Jerrilynn include qualities such as strength, independence, and creativity. Parents who choose this name for their daughter may appreciate its distinctive sound and contemporary feel. Jerrilynn offers a balance between familiarity and uniqueness, making it an appealing choice for parents seeking an uncommon yet accessible name for their baby girl.


American English

  • Pronunced as jer-uh-lin (/dʒərəlɪn/)

U.S. Popularity Chart

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Notable People Named Jerrilynn

Jerrilynn Denise Dodds is an American art historian and professor known for her work on artistic identity in Medieval Spain.
Sofia Ricci
Curated bySofia Ricci

Assistant Editor