
Meaning of Madsen

Madsen is a masculine name that originates from Denmark. In Danish, it is pronounced as MAHD-suhn (/ˈmɑd.sən/). A variation of this name is Mads.

In the United States, Madsen has been given to a small number of newborn boys over the years. While not a highly popular name, it has been steadily used throughout the past few decades. In recent years, it has ranked around the 8,000-12,000 mark in terms of popularity.

Madsen carries an air of uniqueness and sophistication, making it an appealing choice for parents seeking a less common name for their baby boy. With its Danish origin and international appeal, Madsen can be a distinctive choice for parents looking for something different yet meaningful.



  • Pronunced as MAHD-suhn (/ˈmɑd.sən/)

U.S. Popularity Chart

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Notable People Named Madsen

Duncan Madsen Pirie is a British researcher and author, known for being the co-founder and current President of the Adam Smith Institute, a UK neoliberal think tank established in 1977.
Carmen Elena Vasquez
Curated byCarmen Elena Vasquez

Assistant Editor