
Meaning of Manika

Manika is a female name with Hindi origin. It is pronounced as "muh-NEE-kuh" (/mʌˈniːkə/). This name has variations, with "Monica" being one of them. In the United States of America, the name Manika has been given to newborn girls sporadically over the years. It ranked 15,518 in 2019 and had a peak rank of 4,038 in 1974. The popularity of the name fluctuated over time, but it has remained relatively uncommon. Manika carries an exotic and unique charm, making it an excellent choice for parents seeking something distinct for their baby girl's name.



  • Pronunced as muh-NEE-kuh (/mʌˈniːkə/)

U.S. Popularity Chart

Notable People Named Manika

Manika Batra is a top Indian table tennis player, ranked 39th in the world as of May 2023, known for her use of long pimple rubber and recipient of the Major Dhyan Chand Khel Ratna in 2020.
Claudia Renata Soto
Curated byClaudia Renata Soto

Assistant Editor