
Meaning of Milla

The name Milla, pronounced MIL-uh (/ˈmɪlə/), is a charming and elegant choice for a baby girl. Its origins are diverse, often considered a diminutive of names such as Camilla or Ludmilla. The name carries associations with grace and strength, making it an appealing option for parents seeking a name that embodies both beauty and resilience. Variations of the name include Mila and Millie, offering flexibility in how it's used. In the United States, Milla has seen fluctuating popularity over the years, with notable peaks and valleys in its occurrence data. Despite not being among the top-ranking names consistently, it has maintained a steady presence on the naming charts, reflecting its timeless appeal. Whether chosen for its melodic sound or rich heritage, Milla remains a distinctive and lovely choice for modern families.



  • Pronunced as MIL-uh (/ˈmɪlə/)

U.S. Popularity Chart

Notable People Named Milla

Milla Jovovich is an American actress and model known for her roles in science-fiction and action films, earning her the title of "reigning queen of kick-butt" and making her the highest-paid model in the world in 2004.
Milla Saari is a former Finnish cross-country skier known for her involvement in the 2001 FIS Nordic World Ski Championships doping scandal.
Miranda Richardson
Curated byMiranda Richardson

Assistant Editor