Nancey is a feminine name with English origin. It is pronounced as NAN-see (/ˈnænsi/). The name has variations such as Nancy. In terms of popularity, the name Nancey appeared in the data for newborns in the United States starting from the early 20th century. While its occurrence and rank varied over the years, it consistently appeared on the list, indicating that it has been a well-known and used name throughout history. The name Nancey carries a sense of familiarity and charm, making it a lovely choice for parents looking for a timeless and classic name for their baby girl.
Nancey Murphy is an American philosopher and theologian, known for her role as Professor of Christian Philosophy at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, CA. |
Nancey Jackson Johnson is an American gospel musician and creative arts director at Greater St. John M.E.R., known for her albums released by Savoy and Harmony Records. |