
Meaning of Norlyn

Norlyn is a masculine name with English origins. It is pronounced as NOR-lin (/nɔrˈlɪn/). This name has variations such as Norlene. While it may not be among the most popular names currently, it has had some occurrences in the past according to data from the United States of America. In certain years, such as 1948 and 1944, five babies were given this name, ranking at 3668 and 3429 respectively. Its association with strength and uniqueness makes Norlyn a distinctive choice for parents looking for a less common name for their baby boy.



  • Pronunced as NOR-lin (/nɔrˈlɪn/)

U.S. Popularity Chart

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    Julia Bancroft
    Curated byJulia Bancroft

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