
Meaning of Prophet

Originating from the English language, the name Prophet is a masculine name that means "one who speaks for God" or "a person who delivers divine messages." It is derived from the Old English word "profete," which was influenced by the Latin word "propheta" and ultimately comes from the Greek word "prophētēs." The name Prophet has strong religious associations, as it refers to individuals in various religious traditions who are believed to receive messages or revelations from a higher power. In terms of popularity, the name has seen a steady but relatively low usage in recent years in the United States.



  • Pronunced as PROF-it (/ˈprɒf.ɪt/)

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    Notable People Named Prophet

    Prophet Omega, a former carnival worker, gained fame as a radio evangelist in Nashville and founder of Peaceway Temple.
    Maria Conti
    Curated byMaria Conti

    Assistant Editor