
Meaning of Rosabella

Rosabella is a charming and elegant name of Italian origin, combining "Rosa," meaning "rose," and "Bella," meaning "beautiful." This harmonious blend creates a name that evokes images of beauty and grace, much like the flower itself. Pronounced as roh-zah-BEL-lah in Italian and roh-zuh-BEL-uh in English, Rosabella carries an air of sophistication that appeals to many parents seeking a unique yet timeless name for their daughters. Variations such as Rosa and Bella offer simpler alternatives while maintaining the same lovely essence. In recent years, Rosabella has seen fluctuating popularity in the United States, with its highest occurrence being 103 newborns in 2020. The name's gentle elegance makes it an appealing choice for those who appreciate both floral and classic influences.



  • Pronunced as roh-zah-BEL-lah (/roˈza.bɛ

American English

  • Pronunced as roh-zuh-BEL-uh (/roʊ.zə.ˈbɛl.ə/)

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Carmen Teresa Lopez
Curated byCarmen Teresa Lopez

Assistant Editor