
Meaning of Sabas

Sabas is a male name with Spanish and Italian origins. It is pronounced as SAH-bahs (/saˈbas/). In terms of variations, Sabbas is another form of this name. Sabas has been used as a given name for boys in the United States since at least the early 20th century. While it has not been among the most popular names, it has maintained a steady presence over the years. The frequency of its usage has varied, with peaks in certain years and declines in others. However, it continues to be chosen by parents who appreciate its unique sound and cultural heritage.



  • Pronunced as SAH-bahs (/saˈbas/)

U.S. Popularity Chart

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    Notable People Named Sabas

    Sabas Pretelt de la Vega is a Colombian economist and businessman who served as a government official and was involved in a corruption scandal, for which he served time in prison.
    Isha Chatterjee
    Curated byIsha Chatterjee

    Assistant Editor