
Meaning of Savi

The name Savi, pronounced SAH-vee (/ˈsɑvi/), is a beautiful and unique choice for a baby girl. This name is often considered a diminutive or variation of the more traditional Savannah, offering a fresh and modern twist. While it remains relatively rare in the United States, its popularity has been gradually increasing over recent years. In 2023, Savi was given to 21 newborns, ranking at 5727th place. The name's simplicity and elegance make it an appealing option for parents seeking something distinctive yet easy to pronounce. With its soft sound and charming appeal, Savi stands out as a lovely name with potential for growth in popularity.



  • Pronunced as SAH-vee (/ˈsɑvi/)

U.S. Popularity Chart

Notable People Named Savi

Savi Gabizon is a renowned Israeli filmmaker, screenwriter, and producer.
Savi Sharma is an Indian novelist and co-founder of the motivational media blog "Life & People," known for her best-selling novel Everyone Has a Story.
Claudia Renata Soto
Curated byClaudia Renata Soto

Assistant Editor