
#43 in Wyoming

Meaning of Saylor

The name Saylor, pronounced as SAY-ler (/ˈseɪlər/), is a charming and modern choice for a baby girl. Derived from the English word "sailor," it evokes images of the sea and maritime adventures, making it an excellent pick for parents who love nautical themes or have a connection to the ocean. The name has been steadily rising in popularity in the United States over the past few decades, reflecting its growing appeal. From just 5 occurrences in 1992 to 1,387 newborns named Saylor in 2023, it has climbed significantly in rank, reaching the 214th position. Variations of the name include Sailor, which offers a slightly different but equally appealing spelling option. Saylor's unique blend of strength and whimsy makes it a standout choice for parents seeking a distinctive yet approachable name for their daughter.


American English

  • Pronunced as SAY-ler (/ˈseɪlər/)

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Isha Chatterjee
Curated byIsha Chatterjee

Assistant Editor