
Meaning of Shelia

Shelia is a female name with English origins. It is pronounced as SHEE-lee-uh (/ʃiːlə/). The name Shelia is a variation of Sheila. In terms of popularity, data for newborns in Indiana shows that the name Shelia was somewhat common in the mid-20th century, with its highest occurrence in 1964 when it ranked 217th. However, its popularity steadily declined over the years and by 1975, it ranked 414th. Despite its declining popularity, Shelia still holds charm and grace as a name choice for your little girl.



  • Pronunced as SHEE-lee-uh (/ʃiːlə/)

U.S. Popularity Chart

Notable People Named Shelia

Shelia Guberman is a multi-disciplinary scientist known for their work in computer science, nuclear physics, geology, geophysics, medicine, artificial intelligence, and perception, with notable contributions to seismicity theory, perception algorithms, and technology for oil and gas exploration.
Shelia Stubbs - Shelia R. Stubbs is a Democratic member of the Wisconsin State Assembly, a pastor, and former probation and parole agent, known for being Dane County's first African American representative in the Wisconsin Legislature.
Shelia Hoar Zahm is an American cancer epidemiologist known for her work on pesticides and cancer, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and occupational cancer among women, and she served as deputy director of the National Cancer Institute's division of cancer epidemiology and genetics from 1998 to 2011.
Shelia Burrell is a retired American heptathlete who represented the United States at the Summer Olympics and achieved a fourth-place finish, as well as earning a bronze medal at the World Championships in Athletics.
Shelia Marie Goss is a well-known American author, freelance writer, and screenwriter.
Shelia P. Moses is an acclaimed American writer known for her works on comedian Dick Gregory and "The Legend of Buddy Bush," which earned her a National Book Award nomination and the Coretta Scott King Honoree title.
Shelia Conover is an American sprint canoer who competed in three Summer Olympics and achieved her best finish of fourth in the K-4 500 m event at Los Angeles in 1984.
Natalie Joan Bennett
Curated byNatalie Joan Bennett

Assistant Editor