
Meaning of Simar

Simar is a unisex name that has its origins in Punjabi and Hindi languages. It is pronounced as "see-mahr" (/siˌmɑr/). The name Simar has various variations, including Simran and Simranjeet.

In the United States of America, Simar has been given to babies since at least 2003, with a fluctuating level of popularity. In recent years, it has been chosen for around 6 to 8 newborns annually, ranking between approximately 11,000 and 13,000 in terms of popularity. While not among the most common names, Simar carries a unique charm for parents seeking a distinctive name for their child.

The name Simar is associated with qualities such as strength and devotion. It holds cultural significance in Punjabi and Hindi communities, often representing the concept of divine remembrance or meditation on God's name. With its unisex nature and meaningful associations, Simar can be a wonderful choice for parents looking for a name that reflects both tradition and individuality.



  • Pronunced as see-mahr (/siˌmɑr/)

U.S. Popularity Chart

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Rina Desai
Curated byRina Desai

Assistant Editor