
Meaning of Siraj

Siraj is a male name with Arabic and Persian origins. It is pronounced as sih-RAHZH (/sɪˈrɑʒ/). The name Siraj has variations such as Siraaj. In the United States of America, Siraj has been given to newborn boys consistently over the years. In recent years, it has ranked around 3000-5000 in terms of popularity. However, it's worth noting that popularity can vary from year to year. Siraj is a unique and meaningful name that carries a rich cultural heritage for those looking for an uncommon choice for their baby boy.



  • Pronunced as sih-RAHZH (/sɪˈrɑʒ/)

U.S. Popularity Chart

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    Notable People Named Siraj

    Siraj ud-Daulah - Siraj-ud-Daulah was the last independent Nawab of Bengal, whose reign marked the beginning of the East India Company's rule over the Indian subcontinent.
    Siraj Wahhaj is an African-American imam and leader of The Muslim Alliance in North America, known for his role at Al-Taqwa mosque in Brooklyn, New York and as the former vice-president of the Islamic Society of North America.
    Siraj Al-Tall - Siraj Ahmed Yusuf Saleh Al-Tall is a retired Jordanian footballer known for his time playing for Pelita Jaya.
    Miranda Richardson
    Curated byMiranda Richardson

    Assistant Editor