
Meaning of Sky

The name Sky is a captivating and modern unisex name, pronounced as "skai" (/skaɪ/). Its origins are derived from the English word for the upper atmosphere, symbolizing vastness, freedom, and serenity. Often associated with nature's beauty and infinity, Sky embodies a sense of openness and tranquility. Variations of the name include Skylar and Skyla, which offer a slightly different twist while maintaining the same ethereal quality. In recent years, Sky has been steadily gaining popularity in the United States, reflecting its appeal as a contemporary yet timeless choice for both boys and girls. The name's usage dates back to at least 1958 in U.S. records, demonstrating its enduring charm across generations. Whether chosen for its simplicity or its evocative imagery of boundless horizons, Sky is a name that carries with it an air of elegance and limitless potential.



  • Pronunced as skai (/skaɪ/)

U.S. Popularity Chart

States Popularity Chart

Notable People Named Sky

Sky Tonia Ferreira is an American singer-songwriter, model, and actress known for her electropop and dance music.
Rita Antonieta Salazar
Curated byRita Antonieta Salazar

Assistant Editor