
Meaning of Ulric

Ulric is a male name with Germanic origins. It is pronounced as UL-rik (/ˈʊl.rɪk/). The name Ulric has variations, such as Ulrich. In terms of popularity in the United States, Ulric has seen fluctuations over the years. It had its highest rank in 1991 when it was ranked 5th, and its lowest rank in 2013 when it was ranked 10,723rd. The name Ulric carries a strong and regal association, making it an appealing choice for parents seeking a unique and distinguished name for their baby boy.


  • Pronunced as UL-rik (/ˈʊl.rɪk/)

U.S. Popularity Chart

Notable People Named Ulric

Ulric Neisser - Ulric Richard Gustav Neisser was a German-American psychologist known as the "father of cognitive psychology" for his groundbreaking work on perception, memory, and human intelligence.
Philip Louis Ulric Cross was a highly decorated Trinidadian jurist, diplomat, and Royal Air Force navigator known for his heroic actions during World War II and his distinguished international career.
Ulric Manfred II of Turin - Ulric Manfred II, also known as Manfred Ulric, was the count of Turin and marquis of Susa in the early 11th century, and his daughter Adelaide's marriage to Otto of Savoy led to the rise of the House of Savoy, which ruled Sardinia and Italy.
Ulric Haynes - Ulric St. Clair Haynes Jr. was an American diplomat, lawyer, and university professor who served as the U.S. Ambassador to Algeria from 1977 to 1981.
Ulric Dunbar - Ulric Stonewall Jackson Dunbar was a Canadian-born American sculptor.
Ulric Browne is an English actor recognized for his portrayal of Winston in the BBC soap opera EastEnders.
Ulric Jones - Ulric Oduma Emmanuel Jones was a pioneering Sierra Leonean neurosurgeon and medical director of the Fajara Medical Clinic in the Gambia.
Laura Gibson
Curated byLaura Gibson

Assistant Editor