
Meaning of Yanik

Yanik is a male name with origins in various countries, including Germany and Russia. It is pronounced as YAH-nik (/jɑˈnɪk/). The name has variations such as Yannick. In the United States of America, Yanik has been given to a small number of newborns in recent years. While it may not be among the most popular names, its uniqueness adds an element of individuality for those who choose it. Yanik carries a strong and distinctive sound, making it a great choice for parents seeking a name that stands out from the crowd.


  • Pronunced as YAH-nik (/jɑˈnɪk/)

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Notable People Named Yanik

Yanik Frick is a Liechtensteiner professional footballer known for playing as a forward for FC Montlingen.
Claudia Renata Soto
Curated byClaudia Renata Soto

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