
Meaning of Yann

The name Yann is a male given name of Breton and French origin, pronounced as yahnn (/jan/). It is a variation of the name Yan and has deep cultural roots in Brittany, a region in France with its own distinct Celtic heritage. Despite its rich history and unique sound, Yann remains relatively uncommon in the United States. Over the years, its occurrence has fluctuated; for instance, it was given to 20 newborns in 2006, ranking 4516th that year, while only 8 babies were named Yann in 2023, placing it at rank 8893. The name Yann evokes a sense of tradition and individuality, making it an excellent choice for parents seeking a distinctive yet meaningful name for their child.



  • Pronunced as yahnn (/jan/)

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Notable People Named Yann

Yann Pierre Tiersen is a French Breton musician and composer known for his diverse musical style and contributions to film soundtracks.
Yann Martel is a Canadian author known for writing the award-winning novel Life of Pi, which was adapted into an acclaimed movie directed by Ang Lee.
Yann Arthus-Bertrand is a French environmentalist, activist, journalist, and photographer known for his impactful films and book on the environment, and was designated Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Environment Programme.
Yann LeCun - Yann André LeCun is a renowned French computer scientist known for his work in machine learning, computer vision, and computational neuroscience, and currently holds the position of Silver Professor at New York University and Vice-President, Chief AI Scientist at Meta.
Yann Songo'o is a French-born professional footballer who plays as a defender for Morecambe and has represented Cameroon at youth level.
Yann Goulet was a French sculptor, Breton nationalist, and war-time collaborationist with Nazi Germany who later became an Irish citizen and a professor of sculpture at the Royal Hibernian Academy.
Yann Queffélec is a French author who won the Prix Goncourt in 1985 and is known for his novel Les Noces barbares, translated into English as The Wedding.
Sophia Castellano
Curated bySophia Castellano

Assistant Editor