
Meaning of Zirui

Zirui is a male name with Chinese origins. It is pronounced as dzuh-ROO-ee (/dzʌˈɹu.i/) in Chinese. The name Zirui has a variation, Ziru. In recent years, Zirui has been a relatively uncommon name for newborns in the United States of America. In 2017, there were 8 occurrences of the name Zirui, ranking it at 8833 on the popularity scale. In 2016 and 2014, there were 5 occurrences each year, with ranks of 12173 and 12101 respectively. The meaning and associations of the name Zirui can vary depending on cultural interpretations and personal beliefs.



  • Pronunced as dzuh-ROO-ee (/dzʌˈɹu.i/)

U.S. Popularity Chart

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    Rachel Elizabeth Morgan
    Curated byRachel Elizabeth Morgan

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