
Meaning of Zoya

Zoya is a beautiful and timeless name for a baby girl, with its roots deeply embedded in Russian culture. Pronounced as ZOY-uh (/ˈzoʊjə/), this name exudes elegance and grace. The name Zoya is often associated with life and vitality, derived from the Greek word "zoe," meaning "life." It has a charming variation, Zoia, which carries the same essence. Over the years, Zoya has gained popularity in the United States, steadily climbing up the ranks of baby names. In 2023, it was ranked 853rd with 311 occurrences, showing a consistent rise since the early '90s when it first appeared in records. This upward trend highlights Zoya's growing appeal among parents seeking a unique yet culturally rich name for their daughters. With its melodic sound and meaningful origin, Zoya is a wonderful choice for those looking to bestow their child with a name that signifies life and vibrancy.



  • Pronunced as ZOY-uh (/ˈzoʊjə/)

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Notable People Named Zoya

Zoya Anatolyevna Kosmodemyanskaya was a Soviet partisan executed by Nazi Germany and posthumously declared a Hero of the Soviet Union, becoming one of the most revered heroines in the country.
Zoya Ivanovna Voskresenskaya was a Soviet diplomat, secret agent, and acclaimed children's author, best known for her novels Skvoz Ledyanuyu Mglu and Serdtse Materi, with over 21 million books sold in the USSR.
Zoya Sergeyevna Mironova was a pioneering Russian speed skater and sports surgeon, known for her work in sports traumatology and as the head surgeon of the Soviet Olympic team.
Zoya Hussain is an Indian actress, writer, and director known for her work in Hindi films, particularly for her role in the movie Mukkabaaz.
Zoya Fyodorovna Bulgakova was a renowned Russian Soviet stage actress and the oldest actress in Russia at the time of her passing.
Maria Conti
Curated byMaria Conti

Assistant Editor