Popular Boy Names in Mississippi

Discover the most popular baby boy names in Mississippi for 2023! From timeless classics to modern favorites, see which names are topping the charts and capturing hearts across the state.

In Mississippi, traditional names like John, James, and William continue to hold strong positions at the top of the list. Newer entries such as Legend and Ezra are making significant strides, reflecting evolving naming trends. Whether you're looking for a name with deep roots or something more contemporary, this list offers a diverse array of choices that are currently resonating with parents in Mississippi.

Names like Josiah and Lucas have seen remarkable jumps in popularity, indicating a growing preference for these charming options. Meanwhile, enduring favorites like Noah and Elijah remain beloved picks among new parents. The variety in this year's rankings showcases a blend of classic appeal and fresh inspiration.

Explore the full list to find out which names are leading the way in Mississippi for 2023. Each name carries its own unique charm and significance, making it easier than ever to choose the perfect name for your little one.

*Popularity rankings and birth counts reflect Mississippi data. Sourced and compiled from the Social Security Administration records by Name.Baby.