Popular Girl Names in Mississippi

Discover the most popular baby girl names in Mississippi for 2023! From timeless classics to modern favorites, these names have captured the hearts of parents across the state. Whether you're looking for inspiration or just curious about current trends, this list has something for everyone.

The top spot goes to Ava, a name that continues to charm with its simplicity and elegance. Amelia and Olivia follow closely, showing a slight shift in rankings but maintaining their strong presence. Newcomers like Emery and Lainey are making significant leaps, reflecting evolving tastes among Mississippi parents. Traditional names such as Mary and Elizabeth also hold their ground, proving that some classics never go out of style.

Names like Charlotte and Harper are climbing the ranks, while Nova sees a notable drop. Interestingly, Millie and Sadie have surged in popularity, indicating a growing preference for vintage names. The list also highlights unique choices like Journee and Everleigh, which are gaining traction rapidly.

Whether you prefer names that are steadily popular or those that are newly trending upwards, this comprehensive list offers a glimpse into the naming preferences of Mississippi families in 2023. Dive deeper to explore all the beautiful names that made it to this year's top picks!

*Popularity rankings and birth counts reflect Mississippi data. Sourced and compiled from the Social Security Administration records by Name.Baby.