Popular Girl Names in New York

Discover the most popular baby girl names in New York for 2023! From timeless classics to modern favorites, these names are capturing hearts across the state. Whether you're looking for inspiration or just curious about current trends, this list has something for every parent-to-be.

The top spot is held by Emma, a name that continues to charm with its simplicity and elegance. Olivia and Sophia follow closely, maintaining their positions as beloved choices among New York parents. Names like Amelia and Zoe have seen significant rises in popularity, reflecting evolving tastes and cultural influences.

New entries and climbers such as Chana and Ruby showcase the diversity of naming trends in New York. Meanwhile, traditional names like Elizabeth and Hannah remain steadfastly popular despite slight declines. This dynamic mix of names highlights both enduring favorites and emerging trends that are shaping the naming landscape in New York.

*Popularity rankings and birth counts reflect New York data. Sourced and compiled from the Social Security Administration records by Name.Baby.