Popular Girl Names in Rhode Island

Discover the most popular baby girl names in Rhode Island for 2023! From timeless classics to modern favorites, these names have captured the hearts of parents across the state.

In Rhode Island, Charlotte continues to hold the top spot, with 57 baby girls given this elegant name. Close behind are Sophia and Olivia, showing significant popularity with 54 and 51 babies respectively. Amelia and Emma also remain strong choices among new parents. Notably, Nora has climbed an impressive 15 spots to secure the sixth position, while Mia and Aurora have made remarkable jumps into the top ten.

The list reflects a blend of traditional names like Elizabeth and Abigail alongside newer trends such as Isla and Luna. Names like Adeline and Ruby have surged in popularity, indicating evolving naming preferences. Whether you're looking for inspiration or curious about current trends, this list offers a comprehensive view of what’s resonating with families in Rhode Island today.

*Popularity rankings and birth counts reflect Rhode Island data. Sourced and compiled from the Social Security Administration records by Name.Baby.