
Meaning of Jarelis

Jarelis is a charming and unique name of Puerto Rican origin, primarily used for baby girls. This name is pronounced as juh-RELL-is (/dʒəˈrɛlɪs/) in American English. It is also seen with the variation Jareliz. In Puerto Rico, Jarelis has been a moderately popular choice for baby girls, with occurrences recorded in recent years, reflecting its ongoing appeal to parents seeking a distinctive and culturally meaningful name for their daughters. Jarelis carries an air of individuality and warmth, making it an excellent choice for parents looking for a name that stands out while still being easy to pronounce and spell.


American English

  • Pronunced as juh-RELL-is (/dʒəˈrɛlɪs/)

U.S. Popularity Chart

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Ana Perez
Curated byAna Perez

Assistant Editor