
Meaning of Jarely

The name Jarely is a unique and melodious choice for a baby girl, with origins rooted in Spanish-speaking cultures. Pronounced as ha-REH-lee (/xaˈreli/) in Spanish and juh-REH-lee (/dʒuˈrɛli/) in English, this name carries an exotic charm that makes it stand out. Jarely has seen varying levels of popularity in the United States over the years, peaking in 2007 with 66 occurrences and ranking at 2750. The name's allure lies not only in its pleasant sound but also in its rarity, making it a distinctive option for parents seeking something different yet beautiful for their daughter. Variations of the name include Jarelly, adding a touch of versatility to this already enchanting name.



  • Pronunced as ha-REH-lee (/xaˈreli/)

American English

  • Pronunced as juh-REH-lee (/dʒuˈrɛlɪli/)

U.S. Popularity Chart

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Carmen Teresa Lopez
Curated byCarmen Teresa Lopez

Assistant Editor