
Meaning of Jerilyn

Jerilyn is a female name with American English pronunciation (pronounced as jer-uh-lin /ˈdʒərɪ.lɪn/). It is also sometimes spelled as Jerilynn. The origin of the name Jerilyn is not clear, but it is believed to be a combination of the names Jerry and Lynn.

While not extremely popular, Jerilyn has been given to newborns in Indiana over the years. In 1967, there were 5 occurrences of the name, ranking at 639th place. The popularity of the name fluctuated throughout the following decades, with variations in rank and occurrence numbers. However, it's worth noting that these statistics are specific to Indiana and may vary in other regions.

Although Jerilyn does not have any particular associations or significant cultural references, it remains a charming and unique choice for parents looking for a distinctive baby girl name.


American English

  • Pronunced as jer-uh-lin (/ˈdʒərɪ.lɪn/)

U.S. Popularity Chart

States Popularity Chart

Notable People Named Jerilyn

Jerilyn Lee Brandelius was an American writer and photographer, famous for her work as the author of The Grateful Dead Family Album.
Jerilyn Ross was an American psychotherapist, phobia expert, and mental health activist who was highly regarded for her advocacy for those with mental health problems.
Elena Torres
Curated byElena Torres

Assistant Editor