
Meaning of Jerrica

Jerrica is a feminine name with origins that are not clearly defined. It is believed to be a modern variation of the name Jerica. The name Jerrica has associations with strength and power. In terms of pronunciation, both British and American English pronounce it as jer-RIH-kuh (/dʒərˈri-kə/).

In the United States, Jerrica has been given to newborn girls since at least the 1970s. While it was most popular in the early 2000s, its usage has declined in recent years. In 2021, there were only 10 girls named Jerrica, placing it at position 9536 in terms of popularity. Throughout the years, Jerrica has consistently remained outside of the top 1000 names.

Overall, Jerrica is a unique and relatively uncommon name that holds an air of strength and power.


British English

  • Pronunced as jer-RIH-kuh (/dʒərˈri-kə/)

American English

  • Pronunced as jer-RIH-kuh (/dʒərˈrɪkə/)

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Laura Gibson
Curated byLaura Gibson

Assistant Editor