
Meaning of Shellie

Shellie is a female name with English origins. It is pronounced as SHEH-lee (/ʃɛli/). The name Shellie is a variation of the name Shelley. In terms of popularity, data for newborns in Ohio shows that the name Shellie had varying ranks throughout the years, with its highest occurrence being 35 in 1970 and its lowest being 5 in 1955, 1950, and several other years. Shellie does not have any specific associations or meanings attached to it, which makes it a versatile choice for parents looking for a simple yet distinctive name for their baby girl.



  • Pronunced as SHEH-lee (/ʃɛli/)

U.S. Popularity Chart

States Popularity Chart

Notable People Named Shellie

Shellie Morris is an Indigenous Australian singer/songwriter known for her contemporary folk and acoustic ballad music.
Layla Hashemi
Curated byLayla Hashemi

Assistant Editor