
Meaning of Deedra

Deedra is a beautiful and unique name for a baby girl. It has its origins in the English language and is pronounced as DEE-drah (/ˈdiːdrə/). This name also has variations such as Deidra and Diedra. In terms of popularity, Deedra has seen some fluctuation over the years. According to data for newborns in Texas, it was ranked 1529th in 1988 with 7 occurrences, while in 1969 it was ranked higher at 814th with 12 occurrences. Although not as commonly used today, Deedra still carries a sense of individuality and charm. Choosing this name for your little one would give her a distinctive identity that sets her apart from others.



  • Pronunced as DEE-drah (/ˈdiːdrə/)

U.S. Popularity Chart

States Popularity Chart

Notable People Named Deedra

Deedra Irwin is an American biathlete who achieved the highest ever placing for a United States athlete in any international biathlon championship at the 2022 Winter Olympics.
Carmen Teresa Lopez
Curated byCarmen Teresa Lopez

Assistant Editor