
Meaning of Diedra

Diedra is a female name with English origins. It is pronounced as DEE-drah (/ˈdiːdrə/). This name also has variations such as Deirdre and Deidra. In terms of popularity, Diedra has had varying levels of usage in the United States over the years. In recent times, it appeared in the records with 5 occurrences in 2004, ranking at 16,094. The name experienced a higher level of popularity in the 1990s and early 2000s, with rankings ranging from 2,736 to 8,812 during that period. Diedra also carries associations with the legendary Irish figure Deirdre of Sorrows, who was known for her beauty and tragic fate in Irish mythology. Overall, Diedra is a unique and enchanting name with a rich history and timeless appeal.



  • Pronunced as DEE-drah (/ˈdiːdrə/)

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Elena Sandoval
Curated byElena Sandoval

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