
Meaning of Deidre

Deidre is a female name with an English origin. It is pronounced as DEE-druh (/ˈdiːdrə/). This name has variations such as Deirdre. In terms of popularity, according to data for newborns in Ohio, Deidre was quite popular in the past few decades, with peaks in the 1960s and 1970s. The name ranked among the top 500 names during those years. Deidre carries a sense of elegance and sophistication, making it a great choice for parents looking for a classic yet unique name for their baby girl.



  • Pronunced as DEE-druh (/ˈdiːdrə/)

U.S. Popularity Chart

States Popularity Chart

Notable People Named Deidre

Deidre Gillard-Rowlings is a Canadian actress known for her role as Nurse Myra Bennett in "Tempting Providence" and her work at the Stratford Festival.
Deidre Hall is a renowned American actress, famous for her iconic role as Marlena Evans on the long-running NBC/Peacock soap opera Days of Our Lives.
Deidre Downs Gunn is an American physician and former beauty pageant titleholder, who was crowned Miss America 2005 after winning the Miss Alabama title in 2004.
Deidre Davis Butler, also known as Deidre Ann Davis, was a prominent American disability rights activist and federal official.
Deidre Goodwin is a well-known American actress recognized for her roles in Chicago, Half Nelson, Life on Mars, The Bourne Legacy, and Across the Universe.
Carmen Rivera
Curated byCarmen Rivera

Assistant Editor