
Meaning of Jerrine

Jerrine is a feminine name with a British English pronunciation of jer-EEN (/dʒərˈi:n/) and an American English pronunciation of jer-EEN (/dʒərˈin/). It is a variation of the name Jerene. The origin of Jerrine is not specified, but it has been used as a given name for baby girls in the United States since at least 1918. The popularity of the name has fluctuated over the years, with its highest rank being 5 in 1924 and 1962. While there may not be any specific cultural or historical associations tied to Jerrine, it offers a unique and distinctive choice for parents looking for a less common name for their daughter.


British English

  • Pronunced as jer-EEN (/dʒərˈi:n/)

American English

  • Pronunced as jer-EEN (/dʒərˈin/)

U.S. Popularity Chart

Elena Torres
Curated byElena Torres

Assistant Editor